The main activity of Teaming as a Foundation is the development of the platform. However, in Teaming Foundation, we have wanted to extend our activity by creating Teaming Awards.
Teaming Awards will be celebrated every year but any of the categories could be changed.
Teaming Awards 2016 reward the communication campaigns made by non-profits and other social causes, to spread their work, to make awareness and to raise funds, both on and off the Teaming website. We strongly believe that this amazing work should be recognized and that's why we have created these awards.
In this edition, there are two main categories: "Best Marketing Campaign of Solidarity" and Honorary Awards, the latter has 4 sub categories.
We reward the best video or main banner of awareness or fundraising campaign for helping a social cause. These are the main requisites for the Award:
An inscription is needed to participate in this Award.
The inscription must be made by filling in a form on the website and it has two steps: campaign information and user registration.
When you propose a nomination for this award, you will be registered in this website.
You can propose a video or a picture.
The video must be posted on Youtube. The pictures must accomplish the following requirements: jpg, png, gif or pdf format, 690x432 as a minimum size and 300dpi of quality.
Just videos and banners made by or for non-profits will be accepted.
The campaign (the video or the picture) must have been published on social media or mass media from July 15th 2015 to July 15th 2016. If we don't find any publication about the campaign, we will contact the person who has proposed the nomination asking for a link or document to verify that the campaign has been published in this period.
Any work made specifically for this Award (ad hoc) will be excluded. What we want to do with these Awards is not that people create communication campaign but to reward a campaign that has already been made and the effort that social causes make every day to raise funds or to create awareness of different problems in our society.
To have a Teaming Group is not needed.
The winners will be chosen by a popular election. The candidates will be able to spread their candidacy in social media to get the maximum votes.
Any person can propose a video or a banner as a candidate, even if it's not the maker or owner of the campaign, but this person should notify the legitimate owner and get her or his approval.
You may register only one candidacy per person.
Any European cause can participate or any cause with a European partner as intermediary of the prize in case the candidacy wins. We will not accept any individual bank account to transfer the prize, except from the cases where the beneficiary is an individual.
These are the criteria to accept a candidacy:
Picture or sound quality. We will not accept videos or banners with pictures or sounds with no quality. We take into consideration the definition, the volume and the professionality (the video can be amateur but seems professional).
The quality of the campaign explanation. When you propose a nomination, you write a resume about the campaign and we will take into account that the explanation is clear and not too short.
The accomplishment of any other requisites described in these terms and conditions.
The person who proposes the nomination must clarify any questions asked by the Teaming staff about the campaign or any other detail that could be required.
We have created these Awards to recognize the great job of the Teaming Group in the platform. These are the requisites:
These awards are based on objectives data of the website and the valuation of the Board Director of Teaming Foundation.
They are just honorary; it means that the prize is not monetary.
No inscription is needed.
There are four sub categories. Keep reading for further information about each one.
We will take into account the number of new Teamers in 2015.
If the difference between two Teaming Groups is not more than 50 Teamers, then the Board of Directors of Teaming will choose the winner based on criteria such as perseverance, creativity of the campaign that has been carried out or the difficulty of the Bell
We will take into account the quantity of posts in the forum.
We will take into account the quantity of pictures and videos posted in the forum.
We will take into account the growth of the Group.
We wil take into account the constancy (in the forum, in the awareness campaign, in attending the Teamers, etc.).
The winner will be chosen by the Board Director of Teaming according to this data.
We will take into account the quantity of posts in the forum.
We will take into account the quantity of shares on Facebook of Teaming Group.
We will take into account the quantity of new Teamers in 2015.
We also consider the quantity of transfers made in the Teaming Group.
The winner will be chosen by the Board Director of Teaming according to this data.
We reward a Teaming Manager younger than 20 years.
We will take into account the quantity of posts in the forum.
We will take into account the quantity of shares on Facebook of Teaming Group.
We will take into account the quantity of new Teamers in 2015.
We also consider the quantity of transfers made in the Teaming Group.
The winner will be chosen by the Board Director of Teaming according to this data.
The first prize for the category "Best Marketing Campaign of Solidarity" is 1.000€. The second prize is 500€.
Regarding the Honorary Awards, they are just honorary; it means that the prize is not monetary.
Both Awards include a commemorative plaque, a special Facebook mention and other social media and, if the winners have a Teaming Group, a specific post about the cause.
The election will be a popular vote. Every candidate will have its own web page in the Teaming Awards Website. The candidates can share this page to get the maximum votes.
Only one vote per person and candidacy is allowed. Teaming will not count the vote until we have verified using security methods that the vote is from a real person.
However, you can vote more than one candidacy.
You can propose a nomination for the awards until 7th October. In no case will the candidacy be accepted after this date. Filling in the form on the website is the only way to propose a nomination. Under no circumstances, will we accept candidacies sent by email or by any other way.
The popular vote period will start 18th October and will last until November 8th.
The Awards ceremony will be celebrated on January 26th, but this date is provisional.
Teaming reserves the right to change these dates.
The money of the prize for the category "Best Marketing Campaign of Solidarity" should be used for helping the social cause that motivated the campaign, in no case to the persons who created the campaign.
Teaming will ask the winner for an official document to verify that the bank account is owned by the social cause. It must be an official document with the name of the account holder and the number of the bank account. As we have indicated before in the second section, the funds will not be seny to an individual person in any case, they will be sent directly to the non-profit, except from the case that the beneficiary is an individual person. This bank account must be European.
The Awards ceremony will be celebrated on a Thursday in Barcelona. If the winners need to travel to come to attend the ceremony, Teaming will pay for the transport and accommodation for one night of two persons, as long as the displacement is within Europe. Teaming will book the transport and the accommodation and in no case we will refund reservations made by the winners.
We can accept a candidacy initially but we can decide to disqualify it in any time for one or more of these reasons:
Vote rigging. Use of any illicit strategy to get votes, such as the use of any bot or buying votes. If the illicit actions are done by the voters, it could affect the candidacy too.
Violation of copyright and intellectual property. To propose a candidacy for the awards, the user guarantees that she or he owns the right to publish the content. Also, the person who proposes a nomination guarantees to be honest about the owner and maker of the content. Any report about copyright violation will be studied and if it is proven, the campaign will be deleted from the website immediately.
If someone reports the social cause. In this case, we will investigate the cause and if the veracity of the complaint is verified, we will disqualify the candidacy.
If the user who proposed the candidacy doesn't respond to any request for information by the Teaming staff.
If the user, the social cause or the owner of the content renege some of the points of the terms and conditions or of the legal agreement.
If two candidates tie, we will give the award to both of them.
In the case of the awards with financial reward, the prize will be divided between the winners. If there are more than two winners, we will extend the votation period by at least one day.
In that case, the prize will be awarded to the next candidate according to the number of votes or to the other requisites for winning an award.
We will apply the same criteria than the previous point.
No, as long as there is a candidate for a category. It is only possible if there's no candidate.
Teaming Foundation, the candidates, the voters commit to be clear and honest during the entire process.
The vote will only be counted after the voter verifies her/his email. When someone votes, we sent her/him an email for verifying the email address.
If someone deletes her/his account in the Teaming Awards website while voting is still going on, the vote will be annulled.