Teaming Awards 2016
Each Drop counts
Why have we created the Teaming Awards?
Since we launched Teaming website in January 2012, we have seen thousands of social causes doing their best to communicate the amazing work they do. We are talking about videos and pictures that tell us stories about overcoming struggles with extraordinary courage and determination. Videos and pictures that have touched us and we believe everybody should watch them.
In Teaming, as a Foundation, we have decided that this powerful communication campaigns, made by entities and social causes to raise awareness and raise funds, should be recognized. In this first edition, we have two different Teaming Awards to widely demonstrate these works.
Award to the "Best Marketing Campaign of solidarity"
This award will be given to the best video or banner of a fundraising or awareness campaign created for a social cause. These are the main requisites of this award.
- You can participate with a video or a banner.
- Only videos launched by or for non-profit causes will be accepted.
- The video or picture should have been posted in social media or mass media from July 15th 2014 to July 15th 2016.
- To participate is not necessary to have a Teaming Group.
- The candidacies will be reviewed and approved by the Teaming staff.
- The winners will be chosen by popular election.
- The candidates will be able to spread the candidacy in their networks to try to get the maximum votes.
- The inscription period will last until October 7th and the voting period until November 8th of 2016.
- Any person can propose a candidacy, no matter if she owns or not the content, but the owner has to be notified first and has to authorize it.
- The prize must be destined to the social cause that the winner campaign tried to help.
First prize: 1.000€
Second prize: 500€
Honorary Awards
We have created this category to recognize the work of the Teaming Groups in our website. These are the requisites:
- These awards are based on the data of the website and the evaluation of the Board Director of Teaming.
- They are just honorary; it means that the prize is not monetary.
- They have 4 subcategories:
- Best Growth in Teaming 2015
- The most inspiring Teaming Manager
- Most Active Teaming Group
- Social Entrepeuner under 20.
- No inscription is needed.
Read the terms and conditions